Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Less of myself

I am tired of me. Here's what I mean. I have done ministry before in my own power. The truth is that I have done more ministry in my own power than I have done in the Spirit. Well I don't know, God does. the point is, I am tired of my own strength. I want to operate in a realm of power that I don't have. I want God to make things happen and then He gets the glory.
I have felt the fatigue and hopelessness of ministry in my own power. And I know what it feels like for God to move and work through me. That's where I want to be!

God, You have it what You will.

1 comment:

phfoofer said...

Crazy...this is what I've been thinking about a lot for the past 6 months. I often think about one of the major differences between Jehovah's Witnesses/Mormons/Muslims and Christians...Christians supposedly are filled with the Holy Spirit and the Mormons/Jehovah's Witnesses/Muslims aren't. But they (JW/M/M) are able to build these huge religious empires and see conversions and lives changed. So what's the difference in the "power in ministry?" Are we not tapping into the power of the Holy Spirit as we are able to?