Saturday, February 28, 2009

Man's Best Friend

Today I buried my dog. It was hard. We found out about a year ago that his heart was on the fritz and he only had about 6mths left. He did pretty well. But today he got out of the front door and we didn't realize it. He spent his last moments in total freedom running through our neighborhood. He was a great dog. He protected us one time when someone tried to mug us in Finley Park, he did great with our kids.

So farewell were a great dog and we will miss you.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


You know, Moses was just a normal guy. You can forget this as you read about him standing in front of Pharaoh demanding "let my people go" or as he touches the Red Sea with his staff and the sea splits right in front of him- amazing! But if you look at the beginning of Moses journey back to Egypt, you find a normal guy who is scared to death to return to the place where at one time there was a price on his head.
In Exodus 3 & 4, God meets Moses at the burning bush. His life would never be the same after that day, although he fought it with all of the objections he could think of. But God says that I will be with you. This is HUGE!

I have been sitting at Moses feet, trying to gain some wisdom from his life. I know this possibly sounds prideful, but I feel like Moses in some ways. Yesterday I saw a burning bush- just kidding. Recently with the decision to answer God's call to be a part of a church plant, I have been looking for a mentor. Moses had a mission from God that was impossible- without God. I feel like that. For all of the parts to line up just right, and a church plant to actually take off will, without a doubt, take a move of God. I can't do it, like Moses, I am not an eloquent speaker, I'm not a theologian, I'm not the guy that can do this. I'm more quiet, my leadership skills aren't there. These are just the beginning of my objections to God and yet in the midst of that He whispers I will be with you. I have no other option, I must move forward and obey. Thank You God for calling me to walk with you into this unknown. I will lay it all down for You because I know You will be there, waiting.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Youth Workers Conference

Tonight was a great night, the youth ministry department at CIU is putting on a conference for youth workers. There are about 35 people from all around the country. I am excited to meet with the Lord during some quiet time and just be refreshed. Part of that is not staying on the computer. Pray for our time!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I'm trying to be up to date- I now have this blog (which I am not sure if anyone reads), and I am trying to set up a twitter account (which I don't know if anyone cares to follow me on twitter) but I figured I would give it a try. I am jbwilliams273 on, if you would like to follow me- cool. If not- cool.

Technology is getting harder and harder, or ... Am I getting older and older?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Common Cold

I realized today that the sweet kisses that Anna Grace has been giving me are tainted! Last night when I laid down to go to sleep, I could feel it coming- the cold. It's a terrible disease...brings you to the brink of death, your nose is about to fall off, and you always have to sneeze. But... I will survive. And those sweet kisses are so worth it.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


How many times have we asked for patience or wisdom or courage? I have recently been asking God for wisdom to know how to handle all of life's stuff. As I am asking, I am realizing something. I know as we spend time in the Bible, God gives us wisdom. But when we ask God for these things, in my mind I kinda see God pulling an old box off of the shelf that has wisdom on the side and as I pray He opens the box and gives me some wisdom, or courage, etc. And that is how you are given wisdom from God. I am not saying that this is right, it's just how my crazy mind works sometimes. James 1.5 says, "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." I guess I have never thought about the way that God gives it to us.

So recently, my idea has changed a little. I think that when we pray for wisdom God puts us in situations that require wisdom. Then we have two options- the first is to try and figure this out on my own. The second is to ask God and after we have searched His Word, trust the Holy Spirit to guide you. I think God puts you in situations that require wisdom so we will ask him to provide it in those times. And He will.