You know, Moses was just a normal guy. You can forget this as you read about him standing in front of Pharaoh demanding "let my people go" or as he touches the Red Sea with his staff and the sea splits right in front of him- amazing! But if you look at the beginning of Moses journey back to Egypt, you find a normal guy who is scared to death to return to the place where at one time there was a price on his head.
In Exodus 3 & 4, God meets Moses at the burning bush. His life would never be the same after that day, although he fought it with all of the objections he could think of. But God says that I will be with you. This is HUGE!
I have been sitting at Moses feet, trying to gain some wisdom from his life. I know this possibly sounds prideful, but I feel like Moses in some ways. Yesterday I saw a burning bush- just kidding. Recently with the decision to answer God's call to be a part of a church plant, I have been looking for a mentor. Moses had a mission from God that was impossible- without God. I feel like that. For all of the parts to line up just right, and a church plant to actually take off will, without a doubt, take a move of God. I can't do it, like Moses, I am not an eloquent speaker, I'm not a theologian, I'm not the guy that can do this. I'm more quiet, my leadership skills aren't there. These are just the beginning of my objections to God and yet in the midst of that He whispers I will be with you. I have no other option, I must move forward and obey. Thank You God for calling me to walk with you into this unknown. I will lay it all down for You because I know You will be there, waiting.