I didn't know how to write all of this neat and eloquent so I just left it like it came out.
"God didn't call us to just do church...but to be a catalyst for change in our community" I came across this in
Perry Noble's blog today. It really got me thinking. Most people in the church are happy just do church. It's sad, because we are missing out on so much more that God has for the church, not to mention has for
someone's life.
We are called to make a difference in circles. We are not called to go to church and just sit waiting patiently for the last song so that we can move on to lunch and football. Where have we lost it? How do you teach this or pass this on? Is it God's responsibility to do this or have we dropped the ball so far away from what we have (the way that we do church) that we don't even know what we are playing anymore? (Sorry if that's confusing) So much of Christianity isn't passed on just by passing along knowledge, it's rubbed off in real life. With all of the joys and pains of life as people live together. So how does that apply to making an impact in our
communities? We can show others what it looks like and tell about our passion and purpose. We usually use guilt to motivate. "Your a christian so you should be doing this." But what if it were done, we made an impact in our communities not because of guilt
but because of love and passion?
What would be our communities anyway. I don't want to sound like the pharisee who asked Jesus, "who is your neighbor?" But I think it is good to ask. I have a hard time with the dry evangelism stuff. I know that makes me
unspiritual and shows my lack of faith especially is you grew up baptist like I did. But I just don't like it. What I do enjoy is really getting to know my lost neighbors and sharing Christ as we live together in our community. Situations arise where sharing the gospel isn't forced but flows easily as I share what God has done in my life. So to answer my question- it seems that our community would be just that. The people that we are near, the people that we see regularly, the people that we will meet as we are intentional as we are out doing life. Those are the people that we are supposed to impact. Maybe we have already earned the right through loving others to share what God has done in our lives.
What is
just doing church anyway...that sounds so boring. Why not
just stay home and sleep or hang out in pajamas! If the options are come out of obligation and do nothing but listen or stay home for some good family time, then stay home. BUT...if it's more than just doing church, if there is a reason ans a passion and a purpose then that changes everything. That means that we don't have much time to fulfill this mission that God himself has given us. And not only are we on mission but we have the Spirit of God empowering us to complete that mission. This is sounding pretty exciting! Now it's an adventure, with the Creator and Savior of the universe. Now what can we not do? That's what church should be like, not just doing church